
Friday, June 6, 2014

Advanced Photography Final Exam

  1. Frank Scherschel was the famous Photographer who stormed into Normandy with the soldiers during WWII. Only 17 pictures survived.
  2. Frank Scherschel returned in 1972 and opened a camera store in Baraboo. His founders were his wife Jean and other family members like his two brothers and one daughter.
  3. Henri Cartier says that all you need to be successful in photography is to have the alignment of the head,heart and eye.
  4. Link to Website:!portfolio/c1d7g I chose the first photo as my favorite because I like how I captured the umbrella in the air and the background of a rainy day.
  5. Link to Unity project:
  6. Eunice will present my unity project.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Semester Final Exam

My Website:

Favorite Blog Post:

This was my favorite post because...
  1. It was an interesting project that was different to what I was used to take photos of.
  2. I like how the light and shadowed is displayed in these photos.
  3. It showed the results of what I've learned during this semester.

Favorite Photo:

This is my favorite photo because...
  1. I like the way it's cropped and the frame of the photo.
  2. I like how it looks natural.
  3. I like how how light and shadow are displayed in this photo.

Best Photo:

This was my best photo because...
  1. I like the black and white effect because it makes the photo seem old.
  2. I like how the light is displayed and how it evident where the light source is coming from.
  3. I also like the contrst of the photo.

Working in Groups:


  • We help each other whenever one of us doesn't understand an assignment.
  • We have different people to take photos or practice photos of.
  • We give eaxh other opinions on our photos. 


  • We have less time with the camera.
  • less photos to take.
  • It's confusing when we can't remember who took which photo.

Complete this phrase from Life magazine's founder:


Henri Cartier-Bressen:

He new when his photos were good when the he never contrived a photo, never used artificial light such as a flash, and he didn't retouch his photos.

Color Correct White Balance:



Second Semester:

The type of project that would interest me would be of taking nature an landscape photography maybe even sports.

"Hecka Free Zone":

I think Mr. Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone" is because he probably doesn't like the word"hecka" or because he might find the word annoying.